Drawn to the Waagh

The trick here is to keep a level of board coverage with the Ardboys and don’t worry about losing them, if all goes well they’ll be returning to the battlefield in short order. Save those command points to do so and let the bulk of your damage come from the Gore-gruntas and Weirdnob Shamans who should do well in picking off weakened targets.


Turbo Charged Pig Bikes

As two-drop you’re likely to get to pick who goes first – you will want to go first. Charge forward, get in their backline and look to do as much early damage as possible. That first 12 pack of Gore-gruntas is 60 wounds so hopefully it will take a turn or two before they are able to chew through it. This list is all about either blitzing your opponent until there is nothing left or getting far enough ahead on points early on to keep them out of range of a comeback.



Ironfist Tournament List

Versatility is the name of the game here. The Mighty Destroyers command ability is your best friend. You’ll have excellent punching power but will need to think tactically about where and how you approach your opponent. You can play aggressively on your first turn, but after that it may be best to retreat and let the fight come to you.


Too Many Splitterz

The trick with this list is pretty simple; you’re going to want to be in the way, all of the time. Kunnin Rukk can be used to do some surprise sneaky damage in the hero phase if you set up for it correctly, but otherwise, you’re just looking to take and hold objectives with sheer numbers and wounds. Screen out your archers with a big line of Savage Orruks, and with decent magic rolls, your Boarboys will be able to cross the board on your first turn and slam into anything left unguarded.


In Bonesplitterz, Ham Sandwiches YOU

This is the ultimate list to just irritate the heck out of your opponent and make them throw all their deep tactical planning into the trash. With three big packs of Boarboys, you’ll be able to spread out all over the table, taking control of the board. Using the Bonegrinz ability where an enemy unit within 12″ HAS to charge, you can pull units out of formation and into a big pile of wounds. Especially deadly when their squishy support units have to run screaming into your murderswine and away from their protection.